Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Reflection on the Experiences I have had with the Lamar Tennis Club

As you may have figured out, I am a freshman here at Lamar University. When I first started school, I had trouble finding activities to do in my free time. Though I liked sitting around and relaxing in my dorm, I did not want to spend every minute of my free time in a tiny room by myself, so I began to look for things to do. One of the first activities I stumbled upon was a tennis club that a few people were trying to start up here at Lamar. I played tennis in high school and quickly fell in love with the sport. Initially, I was worried that I would not be good enough since I had not played in a while, but I went for it anyway. Since I made the decision to join about two months ago, I now reflect back on it and think that it was one of the best decisions I have made in college so far, other than deciding to wake up every morning and go to class of course. The skills I have learned and the great friends I have made since joining has made this endeavor worthwhile.

Looking back on the last two months with the tennis club, I see that I have had many great experiences and learned many new skills. First off, I have learned how to build a club. At the beginning, it was just me and a few other guys. Since then, we have brought in over a dozen great players who enjoy the club just as much as I do. From organizing our Facebook page, Orgsync page and setting up practices, it is a lot of work to run a club. Overall, these jobs have helped me become a more organized person as a whole. 

Another thing that I can look back on are the new skills I have learned and my overall improvement as a tennis player. Over the past two months, I have improved all aspects of my game tremendously. This improvement is mostly thanks to my friends Jason and Sam, whom are both phenomenal players, who donated their time to help me out. Reflecting on their generosity, I really hope that one day I can become good enough at tennis to teach others the game that I love so much, just as they do.

My double partner Sean and I after we finished a match.

The last thing I can reflect on are the friendships I have formed with some of my teammates. From going to tournaments or just hitting around after practice, I have learned so much about the lives of the people around me and found a few true friends that I could rely on. The first person I hit it off with the was my doubles partner Sean. He has lived a different life than mine, but he is a really nice guy and a real joy to be around. After practice, I always find myself talking or hitting with him. To me it seems like I finally made a good friend here at Lamar.

Now that I have been in the club for a couple of months, I can look back and reflect on these great experiences. From learning how to get a club going, to obtaining new skills, and finally making new friends, I believe that joining and participating in the tennis club was a great choice. Hopefully, I can continue to participate in the club and gain more experiences and memories that I can keep with me forever.

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